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Barrow Calls for More Tax Compliance

By: Sandally Sawo

The Gambian leader Adama Barrow has called for greater tax compliance, stressing that taxes remain the lifeline of Gambia’s development programmes.

“Besides the alternative of diversifying revenue sources, taxes remain the lifeline of our development programmes. Although Government does not intend to overburden you with tax increases or tax payments, we urge all taxpayers to pay tax dutifully and promptly,” President Barrow said in his 2024 Koriteh message. 

“We promise to use the revenue wisely to build more roads, provide electricity, clean water sources and fulfil our obligations towards enhancing lives and livelihoods,” he added. 

According to Mr. Barrow, a solid revenue base is the surest guarantee to viably put Gambia’s development agenda on track. 

“Once again, I urge all of you to pay your taxes for the betterment of the country. This is the time to work harder and do better for our dear Gambia,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, the Gambian leader said good road networks and easy access to electricity, clean water, and other amenities must be maintained to achieve the Government’s commitment to the national development agenda.

“All these require continual flow of financial resources. Unfortunately, the country is not generously endowed with natural resources,” he highlighted.

On Koriteh, the Gambian leader said: “Once again, we devote thanks and praise to Allah for living to witness another Eid-ul-Fitr.  With this gift of life and other Divine mercies in mind, the moment should encourage us to remember and pray for the sick and seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy for those we lost during the year. Because Eid-ul-Fitr brings joy and renewed faith, it is an occasion to express gratitude for completing the spiritual duty of fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan.”

The President also used his Koriteh message to draw attention to the plethora of conflicts around the world. 

“As we prepare to feast tomorrow, we must not forget that there are many ongoing conflicts and wars in various parts of the world, leading to widespread loss of live and huge destruction of infrastructure and property. Innocent children, women, and men are unjustly killed by the day due to intolerance and mere hatred. 


“The Israeli war on Palestine provides typical examples of such grave crimes. It is sad that while we were fasting during the Holy month, Palestinian Muslims could not do so in peace. Sadly, in addition to all the sufferings associated with war, displacement, and hunger, they will not enjoy the blessings Eidbrings,” he stated.  

“Within the ECOWAS sub-region, the adverse economic realities resulting from the global crises and the internal political tensions in our nations still remain relentless. Undue hostilities and social divisions characterise the sub-region because of the urge for personal gain. People fight for political advantage,  notto build better communities and nations but for personal interests. The outcome is the existing state of instability and insecurity that threatens us all.

“Notwithstanding the threats, it is comforting that democracy continues to thrive. We have demonstrated it here in The Gambia, and the sister Republic of Senegal has remarkably preserved its political image as a democratic model on the African continent,” he said.  

“It is manifestly clear that despite the different political approaches and beliefs people may hold, with strong institutions and respect for all the basic principles of democracy, constitutionality, peace, and stability would reign in every nation,” the Gambia leader stressed. 

He promised that his government would study the recommendations of the National Dialogue and the proposed regional forums to incorporate them into the National Yiriwaprogramme. 

He pointed out that despite the rising cost of living worldwide, his government ensured that there were enough stocks of basic food commodities during both fasting periods of the two religious denominations. 

“I must observe briefly in the interest of our farmers that the Food Security and Safety Council, formerly GGC, bought 36,000 tonnes of groundnuts, worth about 1.5 billion Dalasis this season. 

I am happy to say further that, in the face of a few challenges, after guided consultations, the Government met its pledge to buy groundnuts without undue prolonged payment delays,” he enthused. 

President Barrow pointed out that the current world order and lessons learned around the globe illustrate that development does not take place in a vacuum, nor is there a magic formula to develop a nation. 

“Apart from other material resources, countries develop through their citizens. Further, it depends on their degree of love for country, commitment to deliver, hard work, and determination to overcome hardship and challenges. The strength of our nation thus lies in you, the people,” he added.

On the upcoming OIC summit, Mr. Barrow said: “I believe everyone here now knows that The Gambia will host the 15th edition of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation Summit next month, May 2024. Following several postponements of hosting the event, we are grateful that it is now on the horizon. By God’s grace, we shall welcome the Muslim Ummah to the Smiling Coast of Africa.”

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