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NBR Agroecology Platform discusses agroecology practices with stakeholders

By: Haruna Kuyateh

North Bank Agroecoloy Platform with support from NjawaraAgricultural Training Centre yesterday organized a daylong forum to discuss how to improve the governance structure and review operational advocacy strategy of reaching out to farmers on promoting agroecology practices and organic farming.

The forum was purely attended by the executive committee members of the platform and technical advisory committee. 

Haddy Joof, President of the platform thanked NjawaraAgricultural Training Centre for the support, saying promoting the use of organic manure would strengthen farmers’ capacity and contribute to food security. 

She noted that as a farmer, it was evident that the use of organic manure and including liquid fertilizer contributed to enhanced growth and development with increased production.  

She emphasised that climate change is real and therefore it is high time to preserve forest cover and reduce the dependency on the use of chemical fertilizer and value organic manure. 

Faburama Fofana, Secretary of North Bank Regional Agroecology Platform described the governance meeting as important, noting it provide opportunity to update members and the technical advisory committee on progress and challenges. 

Organic farming, he said, is essential in strengthening farmers in adoption of best practices to mitigate effect of climate change.

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