Chief of Nuimi appeals for dredge of ferry landing in Barra

By: HarunaKuyateh

Commenting on the ongoing maintenance of KuntaKintehFerry and others during an organised cleanse exercise meeting held in Essau in Lower Nuimi District in North Bank Region (NBR), Chief George L Sonko of Niumi highlighted the importance of maintenance of ferries while appealing to the Gambia Ferry Service to carry-out dredging exercise at the ferry landing in Barra.

He said this would be good if done before the commencement of ferry operation after the maintenance, thus, it would enhance the quality of service they are providing.

At the meeting, Chief Sonko sent a strong warning to Jamagen Kati, Berending, and Bakindick communities to desist from illegal logging saying the tribunal has zero tolerance for the issue of such while calling the security forces to monitor and report any illegal activities to the authority for possible action. “Because the rate of illegal logging in these areas remains a concern for the tribunal,” he disclosed.

The Chief emphasized the need for farmers’ networking while encouraging farmers to desist from denying neighbors from assessing farmland because it affects social cohesion and trust. 

On the issue of sales of land, he cautioned alkalolu and land owners to be vigilant and desist from illegal activities and also urged them to always authenticate documents presented before them and follow due law process.