YMC Launches Plastic Waste Control Project 

With Haddy Touray

The Government of The Gambia in 2015 imposed a ban on the sale, import and use of plastic bags  with fines for anyone who is found breaching the law as well as mandated manufacturers to be responsible for the recovery and recycling of plastic bags.

One of the local-based organisations complementing the government in its quest to totally ban the use of plastic bags in the country,is the Youth in the Move for Change(YMC), A Sanchaba Sulay Jobe-base youth organisation. The organisation is founded by young Gambians with the main objectives of protecting the national environment from climate change. The organisation also advocates education, public health and gender mainstreaming, aiming at empowering young Gambians to contribute to positive action for the sustainable development of their communities and the country as well.

Project of Youth in the Move for Change (YMC): “Tackling Plastic Waste in The Gambia”

1. Project Summary

Plastic waste has become a major and pressing environmental issue in The Gambia that requires urgent attention and action as it has a devastating impact on wildlife, pollutes roads, parks, seas and rivers which has negative effects on human health. To tackle this problem, Youth in the Move for Change (YMC) has developed a project proposal to raise awareness and to sensitize on the issue in the four communities of Sanchaba Sulay Jobe, Kololi, Kerr Serign and Bijilo, to reduce plastic pollution in a sustainable and tangible way, and to empower young people in The Gambia to take action against plastic pollution and promote environmental sustainability in their communities.

 2. Who we are/ Background

YMC is a Sanchaba Sulay Jobe-based youth organisationfounded by young Gambians that carries out various activities in the areas of environmental protection and climate change, education, public health and gender mainstreaming, aiming to empower the young Gambian generation to contribute to positive action for the sustainable development of their community and the country. The project emerged from a partnership between YMC and ASA Engagement Global, a German organisation, in 2023/2024, which led to a continuation of joint efforts through the voluntary collaboration between participant Luisa Elleser and Ablie Gaye from YMC. This project on plastic pollution aims to tackle the pressing plastic problem in The Gambia, which affects the land and marine environment, the country’s aesthetics, public health, the economic sector and the increasing wave of out-migration, taking a grassroots community-driven approach.

3. Our goal and objectives

 The goal of the YMC project is to reduce plastic waste in The Gambia, raise awareness of the issue and the various impacts, promote the adaptation of sustainable waste practices, mobilize community members for positive action and advocate for stronger policies to reduce plastic waste in the country.

 4. Activities

 (1)    Interactive school workshops

(2)    Community outreach: door-to-door campaigns and community workshops

(3)    Media campaign: appearance on radio and television and social media outreach

(4)    Cleanup sessions in public spaces, parks and beaches

 5. Your contribution

Your partnership would greatly contribute to the realisation of our project activity in the field of media engagement to reach a wider audience and raise awareness of the problem of plastic pollution and encourage people to take positive action.

We appreciate your time and efforts and warmly thank you in advance.