Youth Association Trains Communities in Sustainable Forest Management

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Mama Tamba Youth Empowerment Association (MTYEA), a community-based organisation in Badibou Illiasa, North Bank Region, recently trained communities in forest management.

With funding from Global Environment Facility (GEF) under the UNDP small grant project dubbed “Community Forest and Empowerment”, the training was aimed at galvanising human resources among the youth and women for the preservation of national resources and environment.

The training formed part of the association’s commitment to building the understanding of the local communities about the importance of community forests. 

Tamba Jammeh, the national coordinator of the association underscored the “timely” nature of the training which, he said, would prevent the massive depletion of forest and also how to preserve it.

Commenting on the restoration of mangroves along Baobolong wetland, Mr. Jammehexpressed satisfaction on the restoration of mangroves and thanked all partners and stakeholders for their invaluable support towards the regeneration of mangroves.

Lead trainer Adama Jassey from the department of forestry explained how crucial the training would impact on the proper utilisation of forest resources.

He noted that the concept of community forest was designed to strengthen effective community participation through taking ownership of the designated forest.

He appealed for collaboration with the department of forestry for the restoration of forests through tree planting.

He expressed concern over indiscriminate bush fire in Upper Badibou   as a result of human-induced destruction of forests and farmlands. 

He hailed the association for complementing the efforts of the Department of Forestry in promoting the concept of community forest and called on communities to follow due process inacquiring the status.

Speakers, including Omar Jadama, IsatouFofana and Isatou Jammeh thanked the association for creating more awareness on environmental issues