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They Threatened to Kill Me With Knife

Witness Recounts

By: Dawda M. Jallow and Kemo Kanyi

The Brikama Magistrates’ Court heard on Tuesday that the two boys, who allegedly stabbed Ms. Wurry Bella Kandeh, had also threatened to kill her.

Ebrima Jammeh and Amadou Bah are undergoing a trial over charges of assault, threatening violence, and criminal trespass as they allegedly forcefully entered Wury Bella’s compound and threatened to kill her. 

In her testimony on Monday, Wuri Bella told the court that the incident occurred while she was alone in the compound, recounting her alleged manhandling by the boys.

“Ebrima Jammeh pointed a knife at my neck and scolded me. I bowed my head. When I looked up, he hit me on my face and I lost consciousness. He then placed the knife on my back and hit me on my right arm,” testified Bella. 

She told the court that she later sought medical care at the Brikama District Hospital, where shewas admitted. 

“I was given a medical certificate after diagnosis,” she added.

“Will you be able to recognize the medical documents from the Brikama District Hospital?” asked ASP Buteh Sawaneh, leading the prosecution.

In response, Ms. Bella said the medical document was handed over to the police officer, who escorted her to the hospital.

The prosecution applied to tender the medical certificate into evidence and it was admitted and marked as an exhibit.

ASP Sawaneh, at this juncture, applied for an adjournment to enable the prosecution to bringto the court the weapons allegedly employed by the accused persons. His application was granted and the case was adjourned to 27th May for continuation

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