Victims’ Centre Chair Says Some Victims Prefer Sonko to Serve Sentence at Mile ll

By: Nyima Sillah

The Chairman of the Victims’ Centre for Human Rights Violations, Demba Ali Jawo, said some of the victims of Jammeh’s tyrannical rule prefer OusmanSonko to serve his jail term at Mile ll.

“Some of the victims feel that he should have been extradited to serve his sentence at Mile 2 Central Prison to experience the same harsh conditions that most of his victims endured,” Chairman Jawo told The Voice following the handing down of the Swiss court’s verdict in the former interior minister’s trial over crimes against humanity.

According to him, most Gambians, particularly victims of the Yahya Jammeh regime, “are happy” with the verdict, convicting and sentencing Sonko to 20 years imprisonment even though some people thought that he deserved life imprisonment for his role in the violation of human rights during the Jammeh regime.

“But it is still a welcome move,” he acknowledged.

“While the verdict is quite a positive step towards obtaining justice for victims of the Jammeh regime, there is still a long way to go as there are still many more perpetrators out there, who deserve to face justice. They, of course, include former President Jammeh himself, who bore the greatest responsibility, for all the atrocities committed by his regime,” Jawoasserted.