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Gu Shizhong – Bridging International Orthopedic Care

Dr. Gu Shizhong, a Ph.D. in medicine, serves as the Deputy Chief Physician and Associate Professor in the Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at the First Hospital affiliated with China Medical University. Since graduating from China Medical University in 2008, Dr. Gu has amassed over 15 years of clinical experience. In February 2023, heeding the national call for international medical assistance, he joined the sixth China Medical Team aiding The Gambia, embracing his duties as a party member and a national medical rescue team member.

During his nearly year-long tenure in The Gambia, Dr. Gunot only performed over a hundred surgical procedures, including complex fracture repairs and joint replacements, thereby enhancing the quality of local medical services, but he also actively engaged in training and collaborating with local medical personnel to elevate their skills and professional standards. His work extended beyond routine clinical duties to managing significant emergency medical incidents, such as treating multiple casualties from traffic accidents, showcasing his exceptional teamwork capabilities.

Dr. Gu respected and integrated into the local culture, establishing strong cooperative relationships with the local medical team and facilitating medical services through effective cross-cultural communication. His efforts not only improved local healthcare standards but also laid a foundation for the sustainable development of medical services in the region, advancing the local orthopedic medical field.

In his spare time, Dr. Gu voluntarily provided medical services to the local Chinese community and other residents, incorporating traditional Chinese medicine into his treatments, further spreading Chinese culture and fostering friendly relations between China and The Gambia. These activities not only enhanced his own medical skills but also deepened his understanding and passion for humanitarian work, profoundly impacting his future career.

Dr. Gu Shizhong exemplifies the responsibility and dedication of a medical professional in international medical assistance, contributing significantly to the global health sector.

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