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Ahmadiyaa Jamaat Holds 46th ‘Jalsa Salana’ Convention

By Binta Jaiteh

Ahmadiyaa Muslim Al- Jamaat The Gambia has over the weekend held its 46th ‘Jalsa Salana’ annual convention.

The two-day convention held at Nusrat Senior Secondary School, Bundung revolved around the theme – Global Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.

Speaking during the opening ceremony, Amir Baba F Trawally notes that it is their collective responsibilities as individuals and as a nation to champion the cause of peace not only in their country, but the sub-region and the world at large.

He stated that the government, religious leaders, community heads, family heads, the youth and young people should all push for peace to always reign in the world and build a better future, a future that is full of hope and promise for this generation and the coming generation.

He disclosed that there could be no peace without justice and that was why Allah Almighty admonished us in the Holy Quran to act justly no matter how difficult it might be.

“We can see that Allah, the Almighty has placed lot of emphasis on justice and it is because of lack of justice that the world is facing lot of problems and people are suffering in many parts of the world” he observed.

According to him, if there is justice and people are treated justly, then all will live in harmony and peace. “We should all live by and be just in all our dealings at every level of society and when that is done, we will surely see the progress we can make,” he stressed.

The Minister of Works and Infrastructure, EbrimaSillah, for his part, says the event which is organized annually confirms the spirited commitment of the Jamaat to spread the word of Islam through tolerance with a deep sense of commitment to peace and harmony. 

“The government recognizes efforts which are aimed at enhancing the transformational development of The Gambia; the numerous schools, health facilities and now agricultural projects that the Jamaat is actively involved in, is ample testimony of your excellent work in the development activities of The Gambia,” remarked Minister Sillah

He disclosed that this year’s Jalsa was being convened at a time when the world was grappled with the scourges of a brutal aggression being visited on defenseless Palestinians by Israel with all its hallmarks of uncontrolled mayhem, killings, destruction, faming, and the dehumanization and displacements of innocent Palestinians from their homes and from their land.

He thanked the Ahmadiyya Muslims in bringing together Muslims and Jews in Gaza to accommodate and tolerate each other and at the same time preach tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

Bakary Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports also thanked the Ahmadiyaa Jamat for their continuous gestures towards humanity in the country and beyond.

“As a government we recognize their contribution towards the health sector, education and other areas of development of the Gambia.

Minister Badjie assured the Jamat Muslims that government would continue to partner with them

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