Awards Would Spur GRA to Do More & Better

CG Darboe Promises in Reaction to Heroes Award

By: Momodou Justice Darboe& Kemo Kanyi

The Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), Yankuba Darboe, said the two awards that were bestowed on him earlier this year and last Saturday would spur him and the GRA to do more and better.

The Standard newspaper earlier this year bestowed its prestigious Man of The Year Award on CG Darboe for providing strategic leadership in the country’s tax mobilization drive.

Five months after receiving this creditable award, the Gambia’s revenue mobilization chief grabbed yet another prestigious award as the Fatu Network on Saturday conferred on him the much-eyed Heroes Award amid pomp and ceremony. 

“I feel very, very happy that I have this award, which is the second time of such after the Standard newspaper Man of The Year Award,” CG Darboe told this reporter in an interview on Monday.

Apparently, the huge significance of these two awards was not lost on the boss of the Gambia’s main revenue collection agency.

“They just showed me that the work I am doing has been recognized by Gambians and that Gambians have trust in us. Therefore, we will try to do our utmost best to make sure the trust and confidence that Gambians have in us are consolidated. I also want to say that all the efforts we’ve been making did not go unrecognized,” stated Darboe.

He reiterated that the GRA is spearheading huge efforts to transform the revenue collection landscape of The Gambia.

“We are making a great change in the revenue collection system of this country. We are trying to lay the foundation, we trying to put in place the structures, and we are trying to digitalize the entire revenue collection system so that we can create more efficiency in our work that will result in more revenue collection for this country,” added the commissioner general.

The GRA boss acknowledged that the Man of The Year Award and The Heroes Award were further seals of approval from Gambians.

“I can see that Gambians are really appreciating our efforts. That’s why they voted me for the Heroes Award and the Man of The Year Award.

“I want to thank very much my team because I work with professionals, very hardworking people. I could not have done this alone. Because of their help, their dedication, and hard work, we are achieving what we are achieving. I want to dedicate this award [Heroes Award] to all of them, my family, friends, and well-wishers. It’s always good to have a pat on the back,” said CG Darboe.

The GRA boss also thanked President Barrow, his Cabinet, and finance minister Seedy Keita for making the ground fertile for growth and innovation.

“I would like to seize this opportunity to thank His Excellency President Adama Barrow and his government for creating an enabling environment for revenue generation and mobilization by promoting peace and stability. They are also supporting us every step of the way and are not interfering in our work. I also want to thank the finance minister Hon. Seedy Keita for his immeasurable support,” he added.

CG Darboe also thanked the GRA Board of Directors and Management for the teamwork. 

He recognized the “pivotal role” of the media in promoting tax compliance through taxpayer education, promising that the GRA would redouble its efforts towards digitization, reforms, avoidance of revenue leakage as well as in improving on the weaknesses of the past systems.