Grinding Cement Shortage Hits Parts of Gambia

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

Parts of The Gambia have been experiencing an excruciating cement shortage a little over a month after the Gambia government imposed a 500% levy increase on cement from Senegal, this medium has learned.

The Gambia government and the Cement Importers and Traders Association (CITA) have yet to find common ground as the association’s several calls and appeals to the government to reconsider its decision to astronomically raise the levy went unheeded.

At the time of writing this story, several trucks were stranded at the Kerr Ayib side of the Gambia-Senegal border with their cargo of cement from Senegal.

The Gambia government has refused to budge from its stance of not reducing the levy ostensibly to protect “local cement producers”.

The several weeks of standoff between local cement dealers and the government have resulted in grinding cement scarcity in parts of the country.

“We have not replenished our stores since the levy increase because we would be running on huge losses if we pay the new levy. This is the reason why many cement stores across the country are virtually empty,” a cement dealer lamented.

“I am currently here at my cement store at Coastal Road and I don’t have cement to sell,” said the CITA treasurer Alhagi Mbyewhen approached by this medium on Monday.

Another cement dealer Fafa Ceesay said he was going through a similar experience and consequently called on the government to take a step back as far as the levy increase was concerned.

“I am appealing to the government to save our businesses from collapsing. Things, as they are, we risk going out of business at any time,” he stated.  

From the North Bank Region to the Kanifing Municipality and West Coast Region to the Lower River Region and Central River Region to the Upper Region, grinding cement shortage has beenfelt everywhere.