Has Barrow Set the Tone for ChaoticElection in 2026?

President Adama Barrow appears to have set the stage for a chaotic general election in 2026.

The President went to town the other day to launch vitriolic attacks on his opponents in the political space in what many saw as a harbinger of the worst to come.

Despite the polls being more than one year away, fear has already been instilled in many Gambians due to  the President’s utterances.

The clarion call that Mr. Barrow made to his supporters to go eye-for-an-eye is quite unfortunate, to say the least. It’s not only unfortunate but scary in the sense that the country now faces an uncertain future as theelection nears.

President Barrow should shoulder the onus of the blame when The Gambia descends into anarchy due to his utterances. President Barrow should be prepared to face the music if Gambians should descend on each other thanks to his words.  

How can the Most Peaceful President on the African continent turn into The Most Angry Citizen of his country overnight? What has changed since he received the prestigious award as Africa’s most peacefulpresident earlier this year?

Mr. Barrow needn’t a reminder that it’s everybody’s business to promote and safeguard the peace.

We hope his advisers will call him to order immediately and impress on him to be the man of peace many thought he was.