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UDP Has Choked Barrow-NBR Spokesman

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

UDP’s spokesperson for the North Bank Region (NBR) Mr. Karamo Njie has maintained that the Gambia’s main opposition party has stifled President Adama to an extent that he could never be coherent in his political discourses.

“The UDP has choked Barrow to an extent that he is always at a loss for words. His claim that some opposition political bureaus would be turned into Narr shops, his vitriolic attacks against the opposition, his call on NPP members to stand firm and fight against any opposition “tormentor” and veiled remarks against the UDP about a so-called leadership squabble are not only uncouth, unpresidential and, uncalled for but they are also unwarranted,” argued Njie in an interview with this reporter.

The UDP’s regional spokesman presaged that the political bureaus that the NPP has been erecting across the country may end up being selling points for cabbage and chicken.

“The NPP has a bleak outlook. The party will die a natural death because once Barrow is voted out of office in 2026,NPP will automatically die as the party has no suitable replacement for him. They are all morally and intellectually bereaved,” Njie ominiously stated.

He pointed out that President Barrow should be a force for national unity.

“He advised his supporters to fight and we will also fight but legally. All our energy and resources would be directed towards uprooting him in 2026 since he has no agenda for development and national unity,” added Njie.

According to him, Barrow never confronted Jammeh when he was President, saying the NPP leader should be grateful to the opposition figures, who made him.

“He castigates the opposition, forgetting that it was through the blood and sweat of the opposition that catapulted him into power. He must show the opposition a depth of gratitude but he is on course for an ignominious fall in 2026,” he stated. 

Mr. Njie also pointed out that President Barrow had reneged on numerous promises that he made to Gambians such as the touted construction of 60 mosques.  

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