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Africell’s Contribution to Gambia’sEntertainment Industry 

The leading GSM operator in The Gambia, Africell, has always been Gambia’s entertainment industry’s biggest supporter. Africell supports the entertainment industry by making most Gambian artists their brand ambassadors by constantly organizing free shows at beaches or other public places to get these artists to perform, which contributes to the entertainment industry in one way or another.

Recently, they organized a free show with the performance of Youssou Ndure, a legendary musician from Senegal and other Gambianmusicians like Awa Gambia, Hussain Dada, Attack, Nyancho and other upcoming artists.

The show was accompanied by an amazing drone show as well. This cheered the audience being the first public drone show in The Gambia.

Fans and Africell subscribers, who were present at the show, expressed their excitement and commended Africell for doing this for the past few years.

Binta Sambou, an attendee, thanked Africell for doing such a show.

“Honestly, Africell is the best. On a normal day, I won’t be able to afford a ticket for a YoussouShow but thanks to Africell, I’m attending for free. This is really a great initiative. Thank you Africell,” she acknowledged.

Attendee Ndella Secka also said it was her first time seeing Youssou Ndure perform live and thatshe was “so excited”.

“I am so happy to be here, seeing Youssou Ndureperforming for the first time. This so surreal and it is all thanks to Africell. I’m glad to be here and looking forward to be here next year as well and I believe Africell will continue doing this because it is such a great initiative bringing people together at least once in a while to enjoy ourselves and that too for free,” she added.

Omar Saine, a fan said the highlight of the night for him was the drone show.

“This is the first time I’m seeing something like this and it’s mind-blowing. At first, I thought theywere fireworks but they happened to be drones. I really had a great experience tonight. I appreciate how Gambian artists were included as well not only Youssou Ndure. This will promote The Gambia and its music. All performed so well,honestly. I will not forget this night in a hurry. So many great performances,” he reminisced.

He thanked Africell for pulling off such a well-organized show and commended the company for doing it almost every year for the past few years.

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