By Musa S. Sheriff

The Association of Gambian Manufacturers (AGM) and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises – Oriental (GCEM-ORIENTAL) have signed a Memorandum OfUnderstanding (MOU) for best practices and cooperation.

The signing ceremony was held along the side-line of the Africa Inter–Trade Investments organized in partnership with the Association of Gambian Manufacturers, held at the Coco Ocean, Bijilo on Wednesday, 29th May 2024.

The forum brought together a group of investors from Morocco, Rwanda, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Senegal into The Gambia on May 29th, 2024 primarily to create a platform to facilitate networking among businesses in different sectors of the economy such as Agriculture, Tourism, Fisheries, Energy, Education, Health, Real Estate, Finance and more.

Also, it gave the increasing demand for support to indigenous businesses to thrive and become sustainable.

The forum further looked into availing local businesses, the chance to explore partnerships, and investment opportunities to further strengthen and expand their businesses thereby contributing meaningfully to socio-economic development through job creation.

The Association of Gambian Manufacturers (AGM) is an independent, private, non-profit organization funded by its members and assisted by international institutions (UNDP, European Union) that represents and advocates for the interests of manufacturers operating in The Gambia. It serves as a collective voice for the manufacturing sector, working to promote its growth, competitiveness, and sustainability.

The Association works closely with government departments and agencies, industry stakeholders, and international partners to address challenges, create opportunities, and support the development of the manufacturing industry in The Gambia. 

The AGM plays a vital role in fostering collaboration, partnership, knowledge sharing, and networking among manufacturers, facilitating industry business development initiatives, and providing support services such as training, advocacy, and market access assistance. By promoting the interests of its members and contributing to the overall economic development of The Gambia, the Association aims to strengthen the manufacturing sector and enhance its contribution to national prosperity and socio-economic progress. 

The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc) CGEM-ORIENTAL is an independent, private, prominent business organization in the Kingdom of Morocco that represents the interests of the private sector and serves as a platform for dialogue between businesses, government institutions, and other stakeholders. CGEM plays a crucial role in advocating for policies that support economic growth, entrepreneurship, and job creation in the Kingdom of Morocco. As the largest employers’ organization in the Kingdom of Morocco, CGEM represents a diverse range of industries and sectors, including manufacturing, services, agriculture, tourism, and finance. It engages in various activities such as policy advocacy, capacity building, networking events, and research to support the development and sustainability of Moroccan enterprises. CGEM plays a significant role in shaping the Kingdom of Morocco’s business landscape and advancing the interests of its members to contribute to the country’s socio-economic development.

The AGM is focused on the YIRIWAA (Green Development Plan 2023-2027) and mainly on developing two (2) Green Industrial Parks as confirmed in the report of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MoTIE) dated 19 June 2023 relating to the High-Level Dialogue On Accessing Trade Related Climate Change Financing For Private Sector Officials.