Suwaneh Warns Gambians to Elect Leaders ‘With Integrity’

By: Nyima Sillah

The UDP Youth President Hagie Suwaneh hasadmonished Gambians to elect leaders with integrity and high moral standards.

He hinted that power belongs to the citizens, adding that in this 21st Century, people want leaders with rational visions for their countries. 

“We want to go forward and not backward,” he argued

He stated that the President has openly demonstrated actions that show that he is controlling the NPP and that he has the ambition to run for a third term.

 “Two-term limit works for developing countries and will work for undeveloped countries. It will motivate leaders to prove themselves with a good legacy, knowing that they have a term limit. If leaders do not have term limits, they will not prioritize quality legacy of the positive development of their nations,” Suwanehstated.

 He explained that this was how Yahya Jammeh slowly overcame his citizens and ruled with an iron fist for twenty-two years, adding that Jammeh had left us with the 1997 constitution ruling Gambia today in the wrong direction.

 “When leaders who adhere to moral principles, are more likely to make decisions that would prioritize the common good over personal interests, this will be leaders that will always promote accountability and transparency in their efforts to reduce corruption,” he said. He added: “Ethical governance is the cornerstone of any developed nation, as citizens we must reconsider how we elect leaders.”

The UDP youth President opined that the premature third-term bid announced by Adama Barrow is a massive blow in the struggle to end self-perpetuating rule in the Gambia, adding is left to the people to fight another self-perpetuating rule in the country again.