NAM Colley Refutes Allegation of UDP Affiliation

By Kemo KanyiAmie Colley, NAM for Foni Berefet debunked rumours alleging that she is on the verge of joining the opposition United Democratic Party(UDP).

On Saturday, Ousainu Darboe, the leader of the UDP was spotted at Besse village in Foni Berefet to greet and also meet his militants. Coincidentally, the National Assembly Member for the constituency was also on a tour to meet and discuss issues affecting her constituency. The two political groups shared greetings and took viral pictures, which have raised doubt among the members of the APRC NO-TO-Alliance that the FoniBerefet NAM is planning to switch allegiance to UDP, the allegation she denied.

“I have maximum respect for elders, who approached my husband and family members, for my representation. Every leader will have a past and be called a “former”, but the relationship with people stays forever. I was on my constituency tour to discuss development agendas and spot out the problems in my constituency, which are UDP, NPP, APRC, and other political party allies,” she said.She clarified that the elders, who sought her representation for the constituency, don’t belong to a single political party. 

“I decided to run under the ticket of the APRC No-To-Alliance because of my love for the former President Yahya Jammeh.

“All these parties voted for me and everyone knows about that. Why should I leave my independent seat to join UDP? That will be a betrayal to other political party militants who have also voted for me. During my campaign, UDP, APRC, NPP and so many other parties supported my cause,” she stated.

Legislator Colley expressed dismay at the allegation against her while appealing to the alliance members to stop “indecent”political games that could potentially split the party.

“I will distribute cooking pots and utensils to UDP and NPP militants within my constituency soon because all of them voted for me. Not everybody in our families supports the same party,” she revealed.