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 ‘Jah Oil Pays D78M Tax in May’

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

The Jah Oil Marketing Company last month paid D75M to the Gambia government as tax, a document seen by this reporter showed.

The company’s CEO Hamidou Jah assured reporters on Monday that the company would show no sign of relenting in investing in The Gambia to promote economic growth and prosperity in the country.

Currently, Jah Oil is involved in oil and gas marketing, cement production, food business and commercial farming and according to CEO Jah, the company would continue to invest in other critical areas of the economy. 

“Business involves a lot of risk but you have to take risk to invest. You must invest if you want to invest. Our preoccupation is to help promote economic growth and ensure prosperity for our people. We want to contribute to the country’s revenue base and create more jobs for Gambians,” he stated in a chat with reporters at the Jah Oil HQ in Brikamaon Monday.

Jah Oil company, according to its managing director Momodou Hydara, pays D15M to the Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) for every vessel of cement product that it imports.

The company is currently cultivating 1500 hectares of land as part of its contribution to the attainment of food security in the country.


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