Lawyer Martin Advises Police to Observe Political Neutrality

By: Sandally Sawo

Lawyer Assan Martin has advised the serving members of the Gambia Police Force (GPF) to observe political neutrality.

Lawyer Martin also said that after weighing the statement of Ebrima Dibba that led to his arrest, it could be understood that Dibba reacted the way he did.

“Again, we learned of another arrest over an audio that we understand is pertaining to a response by a UDP member Mr. Ebrima Dibba after the President’s remarks that provoked the situation,” said Martin.

“From our observation after evaluation of the content and in consideration of the circumstance of the President’s utterance to the opposition, especially the UDP, it will be fair to expect such a response from a party member,” he added.

He advised President Barrow to avoid provoking political opponents.

“A President should avoid political provocation, especially when he deems it a strategy to annoy opponents,” he admonished.

“As we witness another arrest by the police on the orders of politicians, it is important to remind the government that the police or any security outfit should not be involved in any political exchanges.”

Martin stressed that the police should be neutral and stay professional. 

“Let them not allow to be used as political puddles to settle political scores,” he stated.

“It is the job of the police to evaluate evidence and most importantly, our police should able to distinguish and differentiate issues of complaints, for what amount crime and political provocation,” he concluded.