Land Dealer Denies Charges 

By Kemo Kanyi

One Modou Lamin Keita appeared before Magistrate FatouDarboe-Jaguraga of the Brikama magistrates’ court on charges of defrauding three people in land dealing, a charge he denied.

When the case was called, Police Prosecutor, Inspector Faderaannounced his appearance for the IGP while the accused was unrepresented.

According to the bill of indictment, the suspect, Modou LaminKeita, sometime in the year 2022 at Brikama, West Coast Region, by pretense and with intent to defraud, obtained D170,000.00 from one Saikou Jawo with the representation that he legally owned three plots of land, situated at Basorimeasuring 30m×30m, 20m×20m and 20m×20m respectively for sale, which representation he knew or believed to be false or untrue, thereby committed an offence.

The accused was granted bail and the matter was adjourned on 4 August for hearing.