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Sabally Okays Brain Drain to UK But…

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

Presidential adviser Momodou Sabally has hinted that hewas not averse to brain drain to the UK but advisedGambians to serve their nation with distinction.

In an inspirational speech to students of the HadigalaCollege of Nurses and Surgeons this week, the former Central Bank budget manager recalled how some people were berating the UTG, describing it as a floatinguniversity offering African education. He, however, pointed out that UTG-trained doctors are serving in the United States of America and the best hospitals in the world.

“I know you’re going to the UK. They’re going to scout you here and take you there. It’s okay but serve yourcountry, too. And those of you, who would have to go, go, especially if you have to send me Western Union. Go but don’t forget your country,” he lightheartedly posited.

“In this era of telemedicine, you can be in Washington and render medical services to an old woman in Kiang Jaali or the old Serahule woman in Gambisara. You can do it but whatever you do, seek that knowledge. Seek it withcharacter…With empathy towards your patients,” headded.

Mr. Sabally admonished the trainee nurses and surgeons of Hadigala College to seek knowledge and learn to berespectful in dispensing healthcare.

“We have issues in this country, where a woman is givingbirth and the one attending that woman is disrespectingher, insulting her. We’ve seen that here,” he lamented. “Knowledge without character is poison. Seek thatknowledge. Seek it with character. You serve to pleaseAllah and He will put blessings in that knowledge and treatment. Allah has commanded us to serve Him and Hisservants,” he added.

He thanked the college’s management team and highereducation ministry for their support for the institution.

“I stand here really gratified, really pleased. I want to saythank you to Haji and the entire management team of Hadigala College and the Ministry of Higher Education. I know Prof. Gomez has been here. I know he is supportive. I saw his picture next to my boss’s picture HisPeacefulness, Africa’s Most Peaceful President,” heacknowledged.

Sabally then called on other Gambians both at home and abroad to support the college in training nurses and surgeons. 

“We can do it. We don’t have an excuse for failure in thiscountry. A country that boasts of smart, young, beautifulgirls and boys like you,” he inspired the trainee nurses and surgeons.    

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