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Over 27 GRA staff expose on Revenue Laws  

At least over twenty seven GRA  staff from all sections or units or departments within GRA  is currently undergoing and  intensive training  on revenue laws at the Senegambia Beach hotel. The training was organized and funded by GRA through the Legal Department, was meant  to enhanced their capacity and deepening their knowledges on the revenue laws. .  

Speaking at the official opening ceremony held on Monday 10th June Mr. Yankuba Darboe commissioner General GRA said the objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of staff in understanding the various revenue laws that the Authority administered  and how  these laws are interpreted  and applied. This without a doubt will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our in the discharge of their functions as revenue administrators.” CG Darboe stated. 

The objective of this various revenue laws that the Authority administer and how these laws are interpreted and applied and how they relate with the mandate and functions of the Authority. This without a doubt will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our in the discharge of their functions as revenue administrators.

“As you may be aware, GRA is a creation of the law and charge with the mandate to act as an agent of the Government of the Gambia to administer, assess, and collect revenue on behalf of the Government of the Gambia. CG Darboe stated,

According to Yankuba Darboe the GRA act effectively made the GRA the principal revenue collector for Government with the responsibility to administer and enforce revenue laws. “Over the next five days, you will delve into the main legislations that govern the operations of GRA, such as include the customs and Excise Act 2010, the income and value added tax Act 2012 and the GRA Act 2004” 

You would agree with me that it is important that every GRA staff should have a basic understanding of these revenue laws and you would notice that the participants for this training are drawn from the various departments within GRA and this is for a good reason. CG Darboe advised. 

He further stated that it is my humble belief that all GRA staff should have a basic understanding of the main legislations we Administer for two reasons. 

He also emphasized that it is important for GRA staff to understand the laws they administer to enhance their knowledge in customs laws and procedure, taxation, tax administration, and corporate governance. This will ultimately improve staff exiting knowledge and skills, learn new ones to become more effective and efficient in the performance of their duties.

It is also important for GRA staff to understand the revenue laws that we administer to enhance their relationship with taxpayers especially for those of you dealing directly with taxpayers’ importers, suppliers and the general business community. 

:As revenue administrators, the general public rely on our knowledge of the tax laws and the fair and impartial interpretation and application of the same. This will ultimately build trust and confidence between GRA and the business community and enhance taxpayer compliance. CG Darboe stated. 

“It is for these reasons that Management decided during the drafting of the current corporate strategic plan 2020-2024 to make this training a yearly activity. Last year, more than one hundred staff in four separate batches benefited from this kind of training. C G Darboe also reiterated that enhancing the capacity of our staff is central  in our reform programs because we believe that implementing effective employee development program will increase staff competency , boost job satisfaction , renews the trust and confidence  the taxpayer population and business community have in us and enhance revenue collections. 

In conclusion, CG Darboe thanked the legal departments for its commitment and dedication  indelivering this training  year after year  and for coordinating with the various resources persons in making this training very rich  in contents and delivery.

Also speaking the deputy commissioner general and head of domestics taxes Mr. Essa Jallow said the training was meant to equip our staff with a requisite  knowledge of the revenue laws administered by GRA key among them are the GRA act, the income and value added tax act, the customs and excise act among other laws that we administered as a revenue administration of our day to work.

According  to Mr. Jallow “ the participants will  also be taking through the regulation that are in place so in other wards all the legal regulatory frameworks that are in place will guide our day to day work. He also cited  that this training  will exposé  the  GRA  staff in knowing the revenue laws . He said therefore training will served as a big opportunity to enable the participants really interact and learn more from our legal resources  persons.

Mr. Jallow went on to said it  is very important, GRA  management  to  create general awareness for all our staff regarding the revenue laws , which is the most important tools for any  revenue officer. He added  that having depth knowledge on the revenue laws and regulations  to guide our decisions and ensure that we are able to collect revenue for the state as prescribe by status.

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