Foundation Assists Three Communities in Lower Badibou 

By: Haruna Kuyateh 

Jamsai Foundation of Kotu recently extended second round of humanitarian support to families and individuals in three communitieswithin Lower Badibou.

The foundation distributed clothing, shoes and bags among villagers of Mbamori Kunda, Tallen Fula and Tallen Wollof of Lower Badibou North in the north bank region. 

JamSai Foundation is a registered charitable non-profit organization dedicated to providing support in kind and cash, to less privileged individuals, particularly those in rural areas.

Amie Jammeh, Executive Director of the foundation said after recognizing the challenges faced by many in rural areas, including limited access to income, water, and soap for clean clothing, her foundation concentrates its efforts on these areas. “In consideration to the gender sensitive approach, women and girls often bear the responsibility of cleaning household clothing and aim to alleviate burden by ensuring families have an adequate supply of clothing and shoes,” she said.

“JamSai is determined to render aid and support services to vulnerable people in communities, including the needy, widows, orphans, and children in Quranic boarding schools.”

She thanked families, friends and philanthropists for the collections and donations of quality clothes and shoes to the foundation.  

Alkalolu: Ali Bah  of Mbamori Kunda, Sheikh Taal  of Tallen Wollof and Juma Jawo of Tallen Fula thanked the foundation for the support. The community authorities described the donation of clothes and shoes as timely, noting that it would support parents and school children. 

The alkalo Ali Bah of Mbamori Kunda uses the moment to launch for support from agricultural projects and NGOs to support their women with vegetable garden, noting he has allocated 5ha land for gardening.