Experience of a Data Collector

By Pa Landing Colley

Upon graduating from high school, I had the opportunityto work for the Gambia Bureau of Statistics as aenumerator in the 2013 population census. My enumeration area was at Bundung Borehole. I was young and inexperienced, having anxiety on what I was going to encounter in the community. 

After the completion of my training I was so determined knowing that census will play a crucial role in shaping public policy. As a young man who is so passionate about social issues, I believe that every response I have will make a difference. 

Over the numerous listing exercises I have conducted with WFP, Malaria Indicator, Gambia Social Registry and Pilot Census, I have encountered a diverse array of residents. Some were committed to participate, others were skeptical or hesitant. I approached my every compound or encounters with empathy and patience, understanding that some individuals or households may have concerns about privacy or mistrust government entities. It came with a good introduction and assuring that every data I collected will be kept confidential. 

I worked in many Fula communities mostly Fulladu, Sares. The joking relationship ‘Kal’ between the Jola and Fula gave me an edge whenever I get to their communities. Addressing old and young as my sons and daughters really got to evoke their interest to participate. 

In most communities people tend to explain how they have been struggling to make ends meet and had little faith in government programmes. I will listen attentively, offering reassurance and explaining how an accurate data could lead to increased resources for communities in need, including access to amenities, schools and healthcare services. 

I would encounter challenges such as language barrier, skeptical individuals and inclement weather but I would remain determined and focused on my mission. 

Anytime I completed data collection I would reflect on my experience as a field worker especially in 2013. I was so proud of myself having to accomplish my task at such an age.

In my journey as a field worker I have learned valuable lessons about empathy, resilience and the power of data for positive change. 

#Everyone is getting counted; make sure you are counted