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Shine Light in Girls’ Education Trains Members  in GBV

By: Kemo KanyiShine Light in Girls’ Education, a non-profit organisation  set up  to provide friendly learning environment and support girls’ education, recentlygathered stakeholders to discuss issues of Gender-Based Violence(GBV) with special emphasis on Female Genital Mutilation(FGM).

The training, aimed at equipping participants with the requisite knowledge to combat FGM, was attended by staff of the Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare, security personnel, women, students and a cross-section of society. 

The President of Shine Light in Girls’ Education, Ebrima Fadera said one of key objectives of the organization is the provision of quality and safe learning environment for girls.

“We endeavour to provide a friendly learning environment by offering financial and material support to girls in various levels in school. We also engage communities about our existence. The training we organised is targeting imams, security gender departments, and media to extend our ideas to the wider world,” he highlighted.
“We also wish to propose a partnership with your organisation. We believe that this partnership will allow us to expand the territories to enhance collective efforts in implementing activities and projects,” he added.

Alasana Gitteh, a resource person called for continued support to protect women and girls from GBV.

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