Suwaneh Says Seedy Njie Vindicates Darboe

By: Binta Jaiteh 

The youth president of the UDP Haji Suwaneh has argued that the NPP deputy spokesman Seedy Njie has confirmed Lawyer Darboe’s fear that President Adama Barrow had abused his station to influence an allocation of land to him in an area reserved for the chief justices.

“H.E Ousainou Darboe is once again vindicated by the NPP Deputy spokesman that President Barrow has used his position to influence and allocate himself a vital state-owned property, which is reserved as a residential home for the country’s chief justices,” Suwaneh maintained.

He stated that deputy speaker Njie’s response to Darboe’s queries was out-of-place as it failed to answer his [Darboe] important questions of conflict of interest, influence peddling, abuse of power and flouting of procedures around the suspected allocation.

“In fact, the Minister of Local Government, Lands and Religious Affairs, Hamat Bah, promised in his press conference that, as the relevant ministry, his ministry will give a befitting answer to the question of H.E OusainouDarboe. Now, the question is: Why did the NPP release a press statement before the minister?” said the UDP youth president.

“Isn’t this an indication that the NPP fears a transparent answer from the minister because the minister promised to give out all necessary information about the said allocation, which may seriously implicate the President for breaking important procedures?” he added.

Suwaneh opined that deputy speaker Njie should have directed his time and energy to clarify the issue.

“I think the deputy spokesman should have made the best use of his energy and time to clear the air. Gambians are very curious to know what has transpired and it is very important for record purposes,” he posited.

“Who are those businessmen President Barrow claimed helped in building NPP bureaus across the country and how much each contributed? These would help us to figure out how Government contracts are awarded,” he postulated.

The youth president of the Gambia’s main opposition party contended that Seedy Njie’s statement that Barrow does not take bribes was misleading.

‘Barrow is on record, saying one businessman sponsored him to build his multi-million Dalasi mansion in Mankamankunda. That is the textbook definition of corruption and bribery,” stated Suwaneh.