Sir Jackal Says Barrow Must Go in 2026 with or without New Constitution

By: Nyima Sillah

Deputy leader of All People’s Party Alagie Cham has said President Adama Barrow must leave the stage in 2026 with or without a new constitution.

The former army sergeant argued that President Barrow is relying on the 1997 Constitution to overstay his welcome in power, stating that the current constitution does not provide for a term limit. Cham contended that President Barrow failed to make good on his promise of ushering in a new constitution for The Gambia which, he added, was an indication that his dispensation is comfortable in singing from the same song sheet as the previous regime.

“His failure to fulfill his promise of introducing a new constitution shows that he still wants to maintain the same system, which makes no difference with the former regime,” maintained Cham.

“We want you to bring back the draft constitution. Know that the 1997 Constitution is out of it and with or without the new constitution, Barrow must go in 2026. He should not think of a third term as he will go against Gambians. We don’t deny or doubt someone from the NPP party to contest but if Barrow contests, he will provoke the citizens and the entire Africa,” Cham told The Voice in an interview.

He argued that the government had seriouslymismanaged all the public funds, claiming that the country’s development funds were shared amongst government officials at the expense of the citizens.

“This is why the country doesn’t have enough electricity, water and medicines are virtuallyunavailable in our hospitals and healthcare facilities. Also, the unemployment rate is on the rise, the education and agriculture sectors are crumbling while the condition of most of our roads remain deplorable yet they still call themselves leaders,” he stated.

The APP deputy leader reiterated that Barrow should not contest in the 2026 election, “considering all the hardships he caused Gambians. He emphasized that the NPP leader should know that The Gambia does not belong to him or anyone else.

“Barrow should try and leave behind a good legacybecause a lot of corruption practices happen in his time and he doesn’t bother to imprison or take anyone to court. You ignored several commissions as we still have perpetrators roaming freely. This means that you don’t care about Gambians. Instead, you care about that presidential seat, which is why the country will not go forward,” Cham asserted.

He hinted that Gambians want a leader willing to sacrifice for the country, adding the next elected president would be thoroughly investigated by the right authorities, honest leaders and the entire country to ensure that The Gambia gets the leader it deserves.