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GSIC Hajj Committee confirms the death of Gambian pilgrim who died in Makkah

By: Nyima Sillah

The Hajj Committee of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) has confirmed the death of a Gambian pilgrim who died in Makkah due to the intense heatstroke experienced by pilgrims in this year’s Hajj operation.

This was confirmed on the day of Eid Al Adha, known as Tobaski Day across Senegambia by the the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council Hajj Committee Leader Sheikh Ibrahim Jaju, saying one of the female pilgrims died in Makkah on the day of Tabaski as a result of intense heat.

Narrating how she died, Sheikh Jaju said when they left Muzdalifa, Mina, and proceeded to the spot of throwing stones at the three Jamrats, it was there she died.

“Some said she died as a result of the heat as she didn’t complain of being ill. So she was the only one who passed away (from Gambia Pilgrims). We pray for her soul to rest in peace and the number be limited to her,” Sheikh Jarju told The Voice in an interview on Saturday. 

According to him, the heat in Makkah is high and real while noting that even there was a day (Friday) that pilgrims were stopped from going to the Masjid around the Kaaba, and those that were not closer to the Kaaba were advised to pray at the nearest Masjid to them to avoid the heatstroke.

Sheikh Jarju disclosed further that Makkah gets very hot in summer and very cold in winter, adding that he had experienced a hajj that fell in winter in the past taking into consideration the loincloth for the pilgrims.

However, he emphasized that this year’s heat at Makkah is incomparable with the past especially “on the day of the Eid and other days.”

He returned all praises to Almighty Allah saying “This year’s hajj operation went perfectly for the pilgrims. Though, it might be tough due to the weather or heat experienced.”

However, he said the only lapses they had was that last year they had an award but this year, they didn’t have an award because they were late to pay the hajj service fees which exempted them from taking part in the award competition.

Meanwhile, the Hajj Committee leader disclosed that they are expecting the first flight back to The Gambia to depart on the 29th of June with over three hundred pilgrims as they already completed their last tawaf.

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