Yankuba Darboe Urges Upper Niumi to Prepare for 2026

 By Haddy Touray

Yankuba Darboe, Chairman of Brikama Area Council (BAC) and Executive Member United Democratic Party has urgedUDP members in Upper Niumi to prepare for change in the 2026 presidential election.

He said in Aljamdu, North Bank Region recenty, that thewind of change has blown which will not spare the NPP Government whether on a Barrow 3rd term quest or any other candidate’s quest. 

He preached that the only objective should be to end the reign of NPP in 2026, as it is the party that has brought so much disappointment, and heartache, and entertained so much corruption in the country. 

He asserted that the result of such ineffective and inefficient leadership since 2021, has caused Niumi, NBR, and the whole nation to suffer a month of no ferry service in the Banjul- Barra ferry crossings, cement shortages, hike in prices of basic commodities, loss of 88 babies to AKI, depreciation of the Dalasis against major currencies, and an unbearable debt of D110 billion Dalasis incurred by this country.

Chairman Darboe says it is only the UDP that has been standing up for the people of this country in the face of Barrow’s abuse of powers in appointing unqualified people to the portfolios of governors, ambassadors, presidential advisers, etc. He further states that it is only the UDP elected representatives, who are standing up for the people against the President’s abuse of powers to demolish people’s properties in disguise of road clearing exercise without any due compensation. 

He says the UDP takes on these fights for the whole country regardless of tribe or religion, indigene or foreigner. “Once in government, the UDP will fight for every inhabitant of this country to have a decent livelihood, create employment for the youths, help the farmers, the sick and respect the rule of law and protect the freedoms and rights of every Gambian and inhabitant of this country,” Darboe added.

He says the NPP has no response or plans to address these challenges facing the nation, except to accuse the UDP as aggressive, tribalist, and xenophobic. “They are aggressive to the poor, increased the alliance card fees for foreigners, threatened to go after them, establish a government that is nepotistic, kleptocratic, and tribal, which lacks the diversity of the country,” he spoke of the NPP.

He said Gambians should understand that whenever NPP criticized the UDP, they were merely exposing their traits and not that of the UDP. He said the UDP is ready to govern the Gambia in a more prosperous and fairer society. 

“They will create an enabling environment for all to thrive in peace and harmony, respecting the long-standing relations and hospitality that exist between tribes, religions, indigenes, and foreigners.”  He foresees that the UDP Government will be a more prosperous Gambia, which will not leave anyone behind even the NPP remnants will not be rejected. 

He thus urges the people of Upper Niumi to vote for the Yellow party in the 2026 presidential elections to rescue Mother Gambia.