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SSHFC Gives Two Giant Freezers to GAF

By: Nyima Sillah

Social Security and Housing Financial Cooperation (SSHFC) on Friday donated two large freezers to the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF).

The solar freezer of 430lrs capacity and the low energy consumption freezer of 650lrs capacity were worth over D100,000.

The intervention, which was said to be the second of its kind, was aimed at complementing the government’s efforts in uplifting the communities. 

Speaking at a ceremony held at the SSHFC Head Office in Banjul to present the items, the Managing Director of SSHFC, Saloum Malang, said the donation was in line with their corporate, social responsibility ethos. 

He explained that the motivation for the donation was the CD’s recently concluded tour, adding that during the tour one critical need for refrigeration facilities to store nutrients was highlighted by one of the officers in an interview aired on GRTS. 

“When I heard this on the news, I just called my corporate planning director and told him that our friends are in need of a fridge… They needed one but we will give them two. So, that’s how it came about,” SSHFC boss explained 

Mr. Malang recalled that D200,000 worth of items, including a refrigerator, smart TV, generator and a cooker were last year donated to the army. 

“I must confess… Social Security is here for everyone. We know we have limited funds but we will play our part in socio-economic development,” he stated. 

He acknowledged the competence and hard work of security officers, highlighting that from World War II to date, the track record of Gambia men and women in uniform has always been a source of pride.

He assured that his office would remain committed to supporting the country’s socio-economic development. 

The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defense, Madam Rohey Bittaye-Darboe, said the military is for the people and that contributing to their welfare and “finding solutions to their needs is everyone’s responsibility because security is everyone’s responsibility”.

PS Darboe expressed gratitude to SSHFC and extolled the MD and his team for the initiative and dedication to ensure that the institution is doing what is expected of it in terms of the execution of its corporate responsibilities. 

“I pray and hope that other institutions, other blessed individuals and philanthropists would emulate SSHFC,” PS stated.

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