Westminster Foundation Trains 20 Parliamentary Reporters 

By: Arret Jatta

A two-day training for 20 parliamentary reportersgot underway at the NaNA Conference Hall in Bakauon Tuesday.

The training, organized by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, is aimed at enhancingand building participants’ capacity in parliamentary reporting.

The Country Director of Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Tabou Njie Sarr, said the main objective of the two-day training is to ensure that parliamentary journalists, especially those whoreport from parliament, build their capacity to ensure that information that comes out of the parliament is accurate and factual.

“We have seen that not much of the information and decisions that are made at the National Assembly are actually reported or disseminated to the population. So, this workshop is geared towards supporting to ensure that information that comes out on decisions, on legislation, on policies that are passed at the National Assembly and other issues that are discussed at the National Assembly are reported accurately and cogently,” she added.

The President of the Gambia Press Union,Muhammed S. Bah, commended the foundation for hosting such a training.

“This two-day training is organized to equip 20dedicated journalists with essential skills and knowledge to navigate the complexity of the digital landscape and uphold the highest ethical standards of our profession, particularly those that are reporting from the parliament,” he noted.

The Spokesperson of the Parliamentary Reporters Association of The Gambia (PRAG), Ndey Ceesay,also thanked the foundation for the training.

“As parliamentary reporters, our role is very crucial in bridging the gap between the legislative processes and the public, which we do through transparency reporting and accountability,” she highlighted.

She further urged participants to make the best use of the training and equip themselves with the necessary tools for reporting on parliamentary matters.