Acute Water Shortage Hits Several Communities in Jimara

By Kemo KanyiSix communities in Jimara District, Upper River Region, are facing acute shortage of water as the solar-powered borehole water tank they share to access water supply defaulted.

The communities of Sare Bojo Gamana, Sare Bojo Sambu, Sare Bojo Baga, Oukasa, Sare Bojo Madina Mbaye, SareNgatam. The six communities made up Sare Bojo.

Samba Mballow, the Alkalo of Sare Bojo, told the Voice newspaper that the community is about ten thousand inhabitants who are currently in dare need of water supply.

“Our water tank has stopped functioning over two months now because the solar-powered we are relaying on had defected. About twenty solar panels got damage,” he disclosed. “The tank supplies seventeen street-taps when it was functioning. Now we are relying on the school borehole, and some will fetch water from some compounds that have their individual boreholes, which is far from sufficient supply to the community water need.” “ Weare calling on all stakeholders in government, non-governmental organizations, and philanthropists to come to our aid,” he appealed.

Bubacarr Jallow, teacher and native of SareBojo community, told this reporter that the community needed D150,000.00 for repairing and maintenance of the damaged solar panels.

“The community was able to raise D17,000.00 by its members themselves. Someone donated the community D40,000.00 in addition. We told our members of parliament and councilors and some other hands in government, but still we could not get a reply. Today, we are suffering to access clean drinking water,” he cried.

He added that the borehole was installed for these six villages in early 2014. “Our women are facing too much challenge to fetch water for their household chores and other family needs, including gardening.”