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Agriculture authorities on tour to project sites

 By: Haruna Kuyateh

A team from the Ministry of Agriculture led by the Deputy Permanent Secretary on a nationwide tour visiting farmers and rice fields in Salikene in Central Badibou, Holistic Agribusiness Solution Agricultural Training Centre in Balingho at Upper Baddibou.

Speaking to this reporter as they completed a field visit, the Deputy Permanent Secretary, Dr. Saikou E Sanyang expressed satisfaction with the commitment demonstrated by Holistic Agribusiness Solution in Balingho under the Rural Development Organisation in providing training on integration of agriculture in the areas of vegetable production, food processing, poultry and small ruminants. 

He also underscored the Ministry of Agriculture’s commitment to its policy drive regarding women and youths.

He noted that the capacity development of youths would contribute immensely to the adoption of best farm practices at personal and community levels while hailing the donor, SababLou Foundation, and partners from Germany in complementing government efforts on food security and job creation. 

The DPS, therefore, assured the management of the Holistic Agribusiness Solution of the Ministry of Agriculture’s commitment towards the attainment of food self-sufficiency, and support to women and youths. 

Dr. Sanyang also used the moment to call on development partners to partner with Holistic Agribusiness Solution in strengthening capacity development for youths.

Momodou Y Bah, Chief Executive Officer of Rural Development Organisation and Holistic Agribusiness Solution thanked DPS Sanyang for the visit and noted that it provided an opportunity to gather first-hand information on the center activities and helped to map out collaboration and partnership on food and nutrition security. 

He noted that they provided training to 63 youths, of which more girls have benefitted. The center was established to support youths in agriculture and entrepreneurship development, with the ultimate aim of creating employment opportunities and addressing irregular migration. 

More so, he said the center valued the use of organic farming and prepared students to understand the importance of entrepreneurship as a core value in conducting market research and knowing potential agents.

He quickly thanked the alkalo and community members for their support in the allocation of land to them, which greatly contributed to transforming the mindset of youths across the country. 

Commenting on the field visit to Salikene rice field, DPS Sanyang expressed delight at the potential of boosting rice production, noting a total land put under cultivation. He thanked ROOTS Project for providing plowing service to the community in years 1 and 2, as part of inputs support subsidy. 

Dilating on the concern raised by farmers on adequate provision of high-yielding rice varieties, Dr. Sanyang stated that more efforts would be taken to reach out to projects through the Department of Agriculture to support the actualization of food self-sufficiency in rice.

He disclosed that Salikene has vast land for rice production, citing Block A 417ha, Block 275ha, Block 3 500ha, and Block 4 450ha are all put under cultivation. He said there is a need for the Ministries of Youths and Sports, Gender, and Agriculture to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with Holistic Agribusiness Solution to strengthen capacity enhancement for women and youths and contribute to addressing post-harvest losses. 

The DPS and team also visited Pakau Njogu, Medina Serigne, Fass Chaho.

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