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Bensouda Inaugurates BakauCommunity Park

By: Arret Jatta

The mayor of Kanifing Municipality Talib Bensouda lastSaturday inaugurated and handed over the BakauCommunity Park.

The park, funded by the European Union, is set aside for sports and other recreational activities for the people of Bakau and it falls under the KanifingEnvironmental Transformation Program (KETP). 

 Speaking at the inaugural event, Mayor Bensoudaexpressed happiness in inaugurating the park as well as handing it over to the Bakau community. 

 He advised the youth to make the best use of the park,saying that a lot of money had been spent on the project, hence it should be sustainable and well-managed.

“I urge the youth to set up a committee in order to ensure that there is good security as well as good maintenance of the park,” he said.

He thanked the EU for its unfailing support for the Kanifing Municipality and partnership with the KMC.

“I am thankful to the European Union for their partnership and support over the years. This is one out of six parks that would be created in the KanifingMunicipality,” he stated.

The Programme Officer for the EU Delegation to The Gambia, Tarih Kubach said he was impressed with what he saw during the inauguration. 

“Physical sports opportunity for children has so many benefits in terms of self-esteem, social skills as well as developing one’s creativity. It is a fantastic achievement for the Kanifing Municipality to have completed the project successfully,” he emphasized.

He commended all those who’ve been engaged in the project as he wished the children, who would be using the infrastructure, all the best.

The park was opened with a football game among students.

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