Action Aid Commemorates African Child Day, calls for educational supports

 By: Haruna Kuyateh

Action Aid International The Gambia, Juffureh Office Local Rights 9, on Sunday, commemorated African Child Day under the theme: Education for All Children in Africa The Time is Now.

The event was held in Albreda Upper Basic and Senior Secondary School, Upper Nuimi, and attended by different school administrators, teacher coordinators, students, and parents, while Manjago and Bambara cultural performed to entertain the people. 

Alagie Camara, Sponsorship Manager Action Aid International The Gambia said the day is important to reflect on the student uprising and massacre that happened in Soweto, South Africa.

He said worldwide, 59 million children need urgent primary education and called all and sundry to work with the government to ensure all children have access to education.

Meanwhile, he disclosed that 50,000 children are currently under sponsorship in the North Bank and Central River Regions, and the organization provided learning and educational materials to them to contribute to the attainment of quality education. Camara reiterated the need for collective action of all stakeholders to ensure children have the required educational facilities from the nursery to Lower Basic School, especially.  

Yaya Ndure, President Hakalang Senela Kafo thanked ActionAid for its invaluable contribution to educational development and empowerment of people of the communities.

He challenged students and school authorities to support ActionAid in its drive towards eradicating poverty through education.

Saikou Darboe, Programme Manager, Juffureh Office, hailed the staff for their commitment to reach out to sponsored children in the collection of accurate data while calling on the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) to consider providing more ECD Centres for children who cannot travel 3km away from home to Lower Basic School as education is a right.