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Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) report adopted by the National Assembly

 By Binta Jaiteh

The National Assembly of The Gambia on Thursday adopted the report of the Gambia Parliament’s delegation to the 148th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

The IPU was held in Geneva, Switzerland from the 23rd of March to the 27th of March 2024.

IPU being the largest global parliamentary platform was founded in 1889 and established by Article 1.2 of its statutes. It is a community of 182 countries and envisions a world where parliaments and parliamentarians work “for democracy and everyone” in a manner that is inclusive, resilient, and responsive to the ever-evolving set of actors and dynamics that contribute to parliamentary ecosystems.

Member of the delegation, Hon. Kebba Jallow presenting the report before plenary said the general debate of the 148th IPU Assembly was centered on the theme: “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Assembly while some 184 legislators from 129 Member Parliaments, including 48 presiding Officers and 19 young parliamentarians attended.

According to him, the Head of Delegation and Deputy Speaker of The Gambian Parliament, Hon. Seedy SK Njie presented the country’s report during the debate of the Assembly. The world is troubled with strife, division, and uncertainty, and parliamentary diplomacy emerges as a beacon of hope for fostering peace, dialogue, and mutual understanding.

Now, more than ever, he called on the Assembly “to transcend our differences, bridge divides, and chart a course towards a more harmonious and interconnected global community.”

Hon. Jallow added that Hon. Njie continued to remind the Assembly of the pivotal role that parliamentary engagement plays in addressing the pressing challenges confronting the world. He said he cited the chronic conflicts in Africa, spanning nations like the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Somalia, and the Central African Republic that continue to inflict profound suffering upon communities, disrupt livelihoods, and exacerbate humanitarian crises. Moreover, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace in Europe and its far-reaching implications for individuals far removed from the conflict zone.

He went on relating the activity that Honourable Njieunderscored the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict while calling for an urgent need for concerted efforts towards peace and reconciliation. According to him The Government of The Gambia, under the leadership of H.E. Adama Barrow, stands in solidarity with the international community in condemning all forms of violence and aggression, particularly the recent Israeli military operations in Gaza. These operations have resulted in the loss of innocent lives, widespread destruction, and profound humanitarian suffering.

He pointed out that the delegation from IPU Member Parliaments discussed the need for the international community to avoid double standards when it comes to ensuring respect for IHL obligations and how addressing the root causes of violations of these norms could be a way to contribute to conflict prevention. Delegates also discussed the current lack of support provided to humanitarian organizations working in this context.

He noted that the IPU President and Secretary reiterated the organization’s commitment to pursue the mobilization of parliaments to ensure respect for IHL and other legal frameworks of relevance eight regard to conflicts and their impacts. They also reaffirmed the IPU’s commitment to its existing partnership with the ICRC, UNHCR, and other UN bodies working in this area.

However, he said the discussion centered on the proposed legislation by a private member to decriminalize the FGM/C law in the Gambia. The Deputy Speaker updated the Secretary-General on the legislative passage of the bill and continued to reaffirm the position of the government to uphold the law aimed at protecting the rights of women, and girls and eradicating FGM/C practices.

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