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National Assembly to Dialogue With Concerned Citizens

 By Kemo Kanyi

The National Assembly of the Gambia has called for a dialogue with the Concerned Citizens group over the petition presented to them that sought to address the Judicial Officers Bill and the National Assembly Salaries and Pensions Bill.

The National Assembly has acknowledged receipt of the petition forwarded by the youth-led concerned citizens. 

Responding to the petition, the Clerk of the National Assembly said he acknowledged receipt of the petition captioned “Concerned Citizens Against Judicial Officers Remuneration and Other Entitlements and National Assembly Salaries and Pensions Bills” and the statement therein, submitted through the Rt. Hon, Speaker of the National Assembly on Monday, 8th July, 2024.

“After due consideration of the content of the said petition by the leadership of all sides of the National Assembly, I am directed to invite you and representatives of not more than seven (7) persons to a meeting with the said leadership of the National Assembly for a dialogue and discussion on the subject matter,” the Office of the Clerk acknowledged. 

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, 15th July 2024, at 14:30, in Committee Room 1, National Assembly.

Nonetheless, NA urged the youth group to provide the names of its representatives for the meeting.

“For this reason, you are kindly requested to provide us, in advance, with the names of your representatives (not more than seven persons) attending the meeting to enable us to provide them with the necessary access clearance on the day,” the letter stated.

The concerned citizens have made eight demands, which include the withdrawal of both the National Assembly Salaries and Pensions Bill and the Judicial Officers Remuneration Bill, equitable allocation of national resources, accountability of National Assembly Members by electorates, and a host of others.

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