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NAM Gives Reason for Voting AgainstFGM/C Law

By: Kemo Kanyi

The National Assembly Member for BusumbalaConstituency, Muhammed Kanteh, said hisdecision to vote for the repeal of the Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision Act of 2015was a representation of the will of his constituents.

Kanteh told The Voice in an interview that he had consultations with his constituency leaders,who vehemently opposed the upholding of the ban on FGM/C.
“We had consultations with the electorate of Busumbala Constituency. Most of them said FGM/C is acceptable in Islam and also a deep-rooted culture. Therefore, they can’t completely stay away from it,” he said.

He disclosed that during the consultations, his constituents suggested that female circumcision be medicalized and people allowed to choosewhether to practice it or not. 

“They explicitly mentioned that medical practitioners should be trained at health facilities to help circumcise children of those who want to practice female circumcision. They suggestedthat it should be a matter of choice,” he stated.

Legislator Kanteh said he can’t go against the wishes of his constituents.

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