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Min. Gomez Tells House Some Gambian Students in Morocco Overstayed

By: Arret Jatta

The Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Prof. Pierre Gomez, on Wednesday told the National Assembly that some of the Gambian students in Morocco have overstayed their scholarships.

Last week, some Gambian students in Morocco went to the Gambian embassy in Morocco to complain that the Gambian authorities have left them in limbo in the Magrib nation for months without stipending them.

However, Prof. Gomez explained to the House yesterday that some of the students in Morocco have been there beyond the stipulated period of their scholarship.

 “It was observed that some of the students have been there beyond the stipulated time and others will proceed to do a Master’s program after completion without written clearance from the ministry,” he said.

He informed the legislature that the higher education ministry was in receipt of a list of 160 students, whopursued various degree programs of Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhDs in 2023.

He added that in May and June of 2023, the ministry used the same list to pay stipends to all the students. 

“However, in 2024, MoHERST used the same list and embarked on a verification exercise prior to payment of stipends. The purpose was to physically confirm and ascertain the number of students, studying in Morocco and eligible for payment of stipends,” added the higher education minister.

Prof. Gomez then advised students, who are desirous of extending their scholarships, to write to the ministryand notify it of their status.

“Those who decide to further their studies without the consent of the ministry are not eligible for any support because it was not budgeted for,” he clarified.

“It is important to note that effective this year, we will change our modus operandi and the ministry is working with the Moroccan authorities to identify programs based on the need of the country [and] not any program as some are already available in the country,” he clarified.

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