NCCE Trains Stakeholders with PWDs Manual

The National Council for Civic Education (NCCE) trained stakeholders in the North Bank Region on manuals and guidelines on the inclusion of children with Disabilities

The daylong training brought together 300 participants and was funded by UNICE under the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UNPRP in collaboration with the Gambia Federation of Disabilities and the National Human Rights Commission.

The forum was organized under the Theme: Empowering Stakeholders: Fostering inclusive education for children with disabilities and was held at the Regional Education Directorate in Kerewan North Bank Region.

Ansumana Ceesay Senior Programme Officer- NCCE underscored the importance of the development of training manuals and guidelines, noting it would contribute to broadening the understanding of special needs teachers.  The objective aims to promote the rights and inclusivity of persons with disabilities and equip key actors with knowledge and tools to ensure the inclusion of children with disabilities. He noted that inclusion is a fundamental human right and demands firm dedication and collective action.

 NCCE Senior Programme Officer said in the 2021 situational analysis there is a need for great focus to be placed on ensuring children with disabilities are included in all aspects, particularly in the education sector, where most of the time their needs are not catered to. These risks make them miss out on key educational opportunities, living in a perpetual cycle of poverty and abuse which makes them more marginalised and enhances their vulnerability.

Ceesay calls on stakeholders to promote inclusive education as a critical component in ensuring that all children,  regardless of their disabilities, have access to quality education.  To ensure greater focus and inclusion of their abilities in education,  NCCEand UNICEF have engaged the service of a consultant who develops a training manual and guidelines aimed at supporting education administrators,  support staff, Caregivers, and the community to integrate children with disabilities.

Jasong Sanyang Regional Coordinator National Human Rights Commission NHRC for NBR and LRR described the convergence as crucial in promoting the fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities.  He noted that the inclusion of persons with disabilities in education policy demonstrated a commitment to enhance inclusivity.

Sanyang said the development of training manuals and guidelines will strengthen effective teaching and learning and contribute to the attainment of quality education. He said community involvement and participation are fundamental to bringing about total disregard for marginalization.

Hawa Bah Special Needs Coordinator at Regional Education Directorate Region 3 thanked Special Needs teachers and school administrators for their unflinching support in promoting inclusivity in education. She described the development of training manuals and guidelines as key to promoting equity and equality in the educational development of children.

Salifu Bagayogo, President of the Disabled Association of North Bank Region called on parents and caregivers to enroll persons with disabilities in school, noting that it would enhance human rights protection. He thanked NCCE and UNICEF for their foresight and reiterated the need for communities to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities into key decision-making processes, as it is right to provide space for them. 

Ousman Barrow of Lower Badibou District Tribunal Court on behalf of the chief calls for attitudinal and behavioural changes towards persons with disabilities. He assured them of their fullest support for inclusivity in education and other social activities.