Jabang Estate Residents Demand Compensation From Gambia Government 

 By Assan Sallah.

Residents of Jabang Estate are still demanding compensation from the Gambia Government following a demolition exercise that was conducted in August 2022, leaving them homeless and uncompensated. It is exactly two years since the demolition of their estate which led by the Department of Physical Planning and Housing leaving many affected families homeless. The affected families have legally acquired their lands from Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation(SSHFC). 

Speaking to LamToro News, BaboucarrDrammeh, a victim of the demolition said the government has rendered them homeless and they have been struggling since two years ago to have a place for their families. 

“We have been treated unfairly by the government because we acquired our lands legally and they have not yet fulfilled their promise to compensate us. It is high for government to do the right thing if not we will take legal action against the government. We are not sick and tired of their stories,” said MrDrammeh. 

On his part Anusmana Darboe, another victim and owner of plot no. 37 at the Jabang Estate Residence said their rights been violated by the physical planning department, adding that since the demolition in 2022 upto date, nothing has been done. 

He stated: “We were never communicated of our plight and some of us get nowhere to hang on to after the demolition of our houses and fences. Some are continuously exposed to risk of theft and other dangers due to open exposure of their houses.”

Commenting on the Social Security’s failure, he said the SSHFC is completely running away from responsibility and asking them (their customers) to take up the matter with the Ministry of Lands, adding that the ministry is not communicating and not taking up any responsibility too.

“If SSHFC is a responsible institution, they should take the matter head on with the Physical Planning to makesure we are compensated meaningfully and also relocated if necessary. This is because they allocated each and every one to the various plots of lands. If SSHFC knows that the allocated lands are on a water way, why will they allocate the lands and allow us to spend our life-time investments in those lands?” he asked.

“We are informing all the responsible institutions that we will never relent on this matter until we get fair treatment of how our fundamental human right was wrongfully violated,” Mr. Darboe stated. 

Efforts to reach SSHFC and Ministry of Lands on this matter proved futile.