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Retiring ‘Vintage’ Darboe Now Will Cause Gambia Huge Human Capital Loss-PRO Njie

By: Momodou Justice Darboe

UDP’s North Bank Region’s spokesman has asserted that retiring the “vintage” Lawyer Ousainou Darboe before his time will cause The Gambia a huge human capital loss.

PRO Karama Njie also contended that the unity of the UDP would never be jeopardized by any leadership squabbles as the party has in place an internal mechanism to guide the selection process of its flagbearer.

He explained that the UDP candidates have always been democratically selected to stand on the party’s ticket in elections.

“UDP is a disciplined party in which the elders and the young give listening ears to each other. We conduct our party affairs with decorum and we never had any cause to be divided on who should be our flagbearer. We always ensure our selection process conforms to the highest standard of fairness and transparency,” Njieargued in an interview with this reporter on Monday.

He emphasized that Lawyer Ousainou Darboe remains an important human resource for The Gambia, arguing that the veteran politician has not yet given any indication of degeneration of mind or senility as did Joe Biden.

“Ousainou is still mentally alert and physically strong. Things, as they are, Ousainou is still fit to be UDP’s flagbearer and to serve this country as its leader,” he added.

“He has a lot to offer this country and that’s why the majority of Gambians have rallied behind him for many years now,” he added.

Njie pointed out that age goes with wisdom, arguing that The Gambia had gone to the dogs under both Jammeh and Barrow because they are relatively young.

“Both Jammeh and Barrow messed this countryup because they are young and inexperienced,” he contended.

To the UDP regional spokesperson, Darboe’s five consecutive attempts at the Presidency “is immaterial” as history has shown that several failed attempts at the Presidency don’t imply failure in the attainment of one’s political goal.

“We have seen how Abdoulaye Wade finally became President of Senegal after several attempts. The UDP should be allowed to do its work without any external interference. We do not need anyone’s expertise or coaching as regards the future of our party. Our future is bright and we are 100% confident that we will win the 2026 election,” stressed Njie.

He pointed out that experience has shown that the opposition is capable of generating the wind of change in The Gambia.

“We have seen how the opposition won elections in The Gambia, Senegal and other countries around the world. So, we can do it,” stated Njie.

He explained that the UDP is united behind Darboe. 

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