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Two Men in Court for Affray

By: Dawda M Jallow

Lamin Bangura and Suwaibou Banjika appeared before Principal Magistrate Thomas Touray of the KanifingMagistrate’s Court on two counts of offence.

According to count one of the offence of the two accused, they were accused of affray while the particular of the offence stated that Lamin Bangura and Suwaibou Banjika on or about the 14th day of July 2024 at Bakau in the Kanifing Municipality of the Republic of the Gambia jointly fought in a public place, therefore, committed an offence against the law.

Both accused pleaded not guilty to the offence while count two disclosed threatening violence. And according to the particular, Lamin Bangura on or about the 14th day of July 2024 àt Bakauin the Kanifing Municipality of the Republic of the Gambia annoyed and intimidated and threatened to kill with a knife and scissors 1st class 8559 Ebrima Hydara and 1st class 7627 class Abdoulie Bojang and thereby committed an offense against the law

The accused also denied the allegation.

The prosecution at this juncture applied for adjournment while objecting to their bail.

Lamin Bangura claimed before the court that Suwaibou Banjikais a younger brother to him, the same mother and father and Suwaibou has a spiritual sickness that normally attacks him and disturbs him a lot.

He continued that he wanted the police at the Kanifing Police Station to end the case because it is not safe to stay with someone who has spiritual sickness. He continued that the police at Kanifing Police State refused to reconcile their case. So, he now wants the court to help them to bring the case of LaminBangura to an end.

Principal Magistrate Thomas Touray did not object to the bail while the case was adjourned till the 7th of August 2024 for the determination of the bail condition and commencement of the hearing.

  Inspector CPL B Jarra represented the IGP.

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