Barrow’s Doleful Remarks Against Darboe Triggers Swift Reactions 

By: Nyima Sillah & Arret Jatta

President Adama Barrow’s death-related remarks against Lawyer OusanouDarboe have elicited swift reactions from Gambians from all walks of life as they generated debates both online and offline.

President Barrow has sworn to an oath in Brikama on Saturday that he would only leave the stage when Darboe is dead and buried. 

In his reaction to President Barrow’s remarks, activist Madi Jobartehdescribed them as despicable and irresponsible.

“These despicable and irresponsible remarks are in total violation of the Constitution and his oath of office for which the National Assembly must act now. If they are worth their positions and titles, NAMs have an opportunity today to demonstrate that they are true patriots who wish to defend the Constitution and the best interests of the nation,” argued Mr. Jobarteh. 

Diaspora Gambian Demba Baldeh said: “President Barrow’s remarks against a fellow citizen and someone he calls a father are shameful, reprehensible and beneath the Office of the President. Every decent Gambian must condemn these childish, lunatic remarks against a fellow citizen.”

Lawyer Darboe’s daughter Fenda Darboe wrote on her Facebook page: “Whatever contract you might have signed with who/whatever will haunt you for the rest of your miserable life Adama Barrow. I am not surprised by your vile comment but am disappointed that you would go this far and stoop so low. But hey what do I expect? You opened your mouth and said you went to the cemetery and put something under a corpse’s head.” 

GAP leader Musa Yali Bachilly said Barrow’s remarks against Darboe were unbecoming of a man of his station.

“Dear President Adama Barrow, as the leader of our beloved Gambia, your role is not only to govern but to embody the principles of unity, respect, and justice as enshrined in our constitution. The recent derogatory remarks you have made against members of the opposition, particularly towards the leadership of the United Democratic Party (UDP). This behavior is unbecoming of the office you hold and contradicts the very oath you took to uphold the constitution and protect every citizen of our nation, regardless of their political affiliation,” said Batchilly.

The Brikama Area Council chairman Yankuba Darboe stated that if anything should happen to Lawyer Darboe before Adama Barrow leaves power, the President will be held personally responsible.

“We ask that the whole world takes note. If anything happens to Lawyer Ousainou Darboe before Barrow leaves power, we shall hold him accountable for the same and there will be many he will have to kill for we will not sit and watch helplessly whilst desperate Adama Barrow kill our leader without consequences,” Darboe stressed.

The KMC Mayor, Talib Bensouda, said Barrow should invest his energy in dealing with the challenges that The Gambia is facing such as the cost-of-living crisis and the Kush problem than directing derogatory remarks towards a political adversary.

In her reaction, presidential aspirant Marie Sock said: “We thought we have passed the level of inciting hate or using certain words against each other. I am not a member of UDP but I think respect should be given to all, especially political leaders.”

She cautioned the President that it would be questionable if Darboe died now.

“Mr. President, we are not campaigning. The campaign has been over since 2021. Your utterances are cause for concern. If Darboe dies right now, his death would be questionable and that question would be directed to you. We pray that never happens now or later.”

Ms. Sock advised the President to concentrate on more important issues and work closely with his Cabinet, adding that the country is going through turbulent times as citizens go to bed hungry.

She pointed out that the President should fill the people with hope whenever he meets them.

“The people come out to listen to you to give them hope, hoping to hear something that can put food on their table, a way forward for The Gambia but they came and it seemed they were on a campaign ground,” she asserted. 

Ms. Sock described Barrow’s remarks against Darboe as disgusting, uncalled for and disrespectful, arguing that despite Darboe being a politician, he is an elderly statesman who deserves respect like anyone else.

Former TRRC lead counsel and presidential candidate Essa Faal said:” I am deeply dismayed by President Adama Barrow’s recent offensive remarks towards Hon. Ousainou Darboe, leader of the United Democratic Party. Such language has no place in our political discourse, and I stand with fellow Gambians in condemning this troubling statement.”

According to Faal, while political differences are natural, they must not lead to vile remarks, especially from a Head of State.

“It is crucial for leaders to uphold civility, respect, and decency, especially during times of political tension and economic challenges.

He wishes for Darboe’s continued good health and long life “as he contributes to our country’s development”. 

“Our nation deserves leaders who prioritize unity and understanding over division,” he added.