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Gender Platform Organizes Advocacy Meeting

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Gender Platform, a civil society organization recently concluded a week-long nationwide advocacy meeting, which was done in the form of a caravan campaign.

The organization, during the campaign, held meetings with all the local councils and the district authorities while also meeting women in these places to discuss the importance of women coming together to end FGM.

On their visit to the North Bank Region, the team held its meeting at the Governor’s Office and also had a talk show program at the North Bank Community Radio, Kerewan with the promise of commitment to frequently raise public awareness on negative health impacts on women and girls.

Governor Fatou Jammeh Touray of NBR thanked Gender Platform for rolling out a community outreach program on harmful traditional practices including FGMC for the benefit of stakeholders. 

The Governor reiterated the need for dialogue as a tool for creating awareness and a window of opportunity to hear the perception of women towards the enforcement of the 2015 ban on the FGM practice. 

She hailed the organiser for reaching out to communities in the region noting that it will contribute to positive changes in preserving the health of women and girls thus FGM/C is a deep-rooted cultural practice in the society. 

Speaking at the radio talk show as one of the panelists, Ansumana Kinteh, Regional Police Commissioner NBR recognized the efforts undertaken by women and noted that, police are here to protect the law as enshrined in the constitution. 

He said police have zero tolerance for all forms of Gender Based Violence and assured them of their unflinching support to enforce the law.  

The NBR Police Commissioner added that women and children are more vulnerable to all forms of violence and therefore urged everyone to support law enforcement agents.  

Commissioner Kinteh applauded the good working relationship between the Regional Education Directorate in Kerewan, Kerewan Health Centre, the Department of Social Welfare, and the Office of the Governor in enhancing timely responses and actions.  

Mamadi Jawara Officer-In-Charge of Kerewan Health Centre, AlasanSanneh, Regional Social Welfare Officer all spoke at length on the significance of this campaign while thanking the organizer for this.

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