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WB Agrees to Finance 500KM Road Project

Reveals Min. Sillah

By: Kemo Kanyi

Ebrima Sillah, the minister for work and infrastructure, has revealed that the World Bank (WB)has agreed to finance a 500km road infrastructure project for the government of The Gambia.

According to him, Brikama is one of the main beneficiaries of this project.

“World Bank has agreed with our survey of 500km road infrastructure financing. The work will commence with 150km. That study has already been done. Brikama will benefit 15 road development from this. Busumbala will benefit three roads,” Sillah revealed on Saturday at the inauguration of the NPP bureau in Brikama on Saturday. 

He urged the people of the West Coast Region to snub the UDP and embrace the NPP for more development projects. He said NPP can offer them more than UDP could.

“People of the West Coast, let’s be mindful. What do you want from the United Democratic Party that the National People’s Party can’t offer? What have you seen with them that you don’t have in NPP? What are you running after them that you can’t get in NPP while sitting? What do they want to do for you that NPP cannot do better?” Sillah repeatedly asked rhetorically. 

He said UDP is breaking into pieces whether people are aware of it or not.

“They are very good at managing their internal differences. I was in UDP, and I know very well how they go about managing their internal fights. That’s what’s fooling many. I know what I am telling you and  soon you are going to see what I am saying,” added Sillah.

He called on the people of the West Coast Region to throw their full weight behind the NPP because its leader is peaceful and wants more success for the country.

Mr Sillah said he was deeply depressed by the utterances made by Ousainu Darboe about media freedom in the country. 

“I was deeply panicked when I heard the UDP leader’s interview in which he said arbitrary arrests, killing, and detention are the only positive, but media freedom is still threatened under this government. You all know the President and his family are insulted on a daily basis on social media but he gave a deaf ear to all that. Isn’t that enough for media freedom?” he posited.

He further accused Darboe of encouraging lawlessness in the country with such utterances he made in an interview.

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