ChildFund Country Boss Calls for Implementation of FGM/C Law

By: Kemo Kanyi

The Country Director of ChildFund-The Gambia, MusukutaKomma, has called on the relevant authorities to ensure the enforcement of the anti-FGM/C legislation to protect vulnerable children, saying society has a responsibility to protect the vulnerable and the deprived.

“Enforcement and implementation of the law that was maintained by the National Assembly against Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision would save the life of someone in years to come. This is a responsibility for everyone to take the lead in fulfilling that responsibility,” Ms. Komma said at a day’s training for journalists recently held at ChildFund’s Head Office in Kanifing. 

She challenged journalists to always ensure they report responsibly on matters related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) to raise public awareness.

Ms. Komma pointed out that divergence of perspectives, perceptions, and opinions, regarding GBV still exist. 

“Everyone’s opinion is respected. You must work with them to make sure they have the right lenses to see things in the positive direction,” she stated.

The ChildFund country boss said subjecting young girls to FGM/C can cause long-term or permanent damage to them physically, sexually, and emotionally. 

FGM/C was banned in The Gambia in 2015 but the practice persists.