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Humanity First-Gambia Extends Flood Relief to 27 Families in NBRBy: Modou Sarr

The Gambia branch of Humanity First International recently assisted 27 flood-affected families in the North Bank Region (NBR) of The Gambia.

A recent heavy downpour damaged structures in parts of NBR and also destroyed food.

Humanity First, with branches all over the globe, supported the 27 families by donating to them 27 bags of rice, 5-liter gallons of cooking oil, and D500.
The items were handed over to the beneficiaries in a ceremony held at Malick Nana in the Upper Niumi District of North Bank Region. 

Speaking at the ceremony, the Chairman of Humanity First-Gambia, Kawsu Kinteh, said it has been the tradition of his organization to respond to disasters such as floods.

He explained that Humanity First supports the needy and deserving, irrespective of political affiliation, religion, ethnicity, or race.

Mr. Kinteh advised the flood victims to be steadfast in “this difficult situation”. 

The Chief of Upper Niumi, Momodou Chatty Cham, commended Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in general and Humanity First, in particular for the humanitarian assistance. 

“The value of the donated food items and the cash is huge and they will go a long way in easing the impact of the flood on the lives of the affected families,” he acknowledged. 

The beneficiaries, who hailed from the villages of Jurunku, Chilia, and Chamunding, prayed for and thanked Humanity First-The Gambia for coming to their aid.

Chairman Kinteh was accompanied to Upper Niumi by Humanity First-Gambia’s director of operations and food safety Mr. Yankuba Sinayoko.

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