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Alleged Fish Thieves in Court

By: Dawda M. Jallow

Two men were last week arraigned at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court for allegedly stealing fish.

Assan Sowe and Aziz Sowe have been charged with stealing contrary to Section 252 of the Criminal Code, Cap 10.01 ofVolume 3, Laws of The Gambia (2009).

Prosecutors have alleged that the duo on or about 23 July 2024,at Serekunda Market in the Kanifing Municipality, stole abucket, containing fish valued at D2,300. The fish, according to the prosecution, belonged to one Mamkumba Ceesay.

Assan and Aziz also stand accused of conspiring among themselves to steal in contravention of Section 368 of the Criminal Code, Cap 10:01, Vol. 3 of the Laws of The Gambia(2009).

However, when the charges were read out to them, both pleaded not guilty.

At this juncture, Inspector L. Gibba, prosecuting, applied for an adjournment to enable the prosecution to call its witnesses, and her application was granted.

The accused were admitted to a D5000 court bail and must provide two sureties of Gambian nationality as a bail requirement.

The case, presided over by Magistrate E.J Colley, was adjourned to August, 12th.

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