Serrekunda Market PRO reports high youth unemployment leading to irregular migration

By Binta Jaiteh

The Spokesperson of Serrekunda Market, Sulayman Damphahas lamented that youths embark on irregular migration due to the high unemployment rate in the country.

In an interview with this medium, Dampha said youths must be empowered because they constitute 90% of the population. In order for youths to contribute to the social economic development of the country, he said government should create ways for youths to be employed.

He stressed that it would be difficult for the youths to stay in the country if government fail to create mechanisms that will address this matter, adding that for a country to develop fast its youths must be empowered with different job opportunities.

“I want to know if the Minister of Youth and Sports is in existence considering the challenges youths are facing without any effort by the Ministry to address the issue,” the PRO questioned.

Mr. Dampha disclosed that youths of the country have lots of questions for the Minister because, without any political interference, “As a Minister, it is your responsibility to make sure that youths are employed and empowered,” he argued.

PRO Dampha emphasized the alarming rate of youth involvement in drug use and abuse saying it is a concern of everyone, “This matter is urgent and it needs national dialogue before it gets out of hand.”

One thing for the government to know is that “the youths are not happy and everyone knows that,” he added.